stem or not to stem

So yes, i really did another mix job the other day. (Skit upon the fact that i rarely write something here.) The customer wanted stem mixes so he can do stem mastering himself. As customer is king – and he is a good friend of mine btw. – i delivered the stems as requested. But i’m not really lucky about it.
(mehr …) pays off – Installing Win10 and Ubuntu Studio on a MAC PRO 2,1

Endurance pays off.

I managed to get my studio-pc to work again. So i thought, while i’m at it, let’s take a chance on the mac in my mixing-suite. The task was to install a Windows 10 while keeping the old OSX as a backup and a Linux system would be sweet.

The old Mac Pros had the issue of beeing able to host 64bit Systems but having a 32bit bootloader. This caused some trouble installing the operation systems and cost me some sleepless nights while dealing with my studio-mac. I came up with the following work-around. (mehr …) i just wanted to make music

Running a studio as a one-man-show can be really great. You build your very own creative environment and get to know every cable and every plug around. And if everything works as expected a proud smile comes up from time to time.
But if something stops working properly, there is no technican around to keep you away from trouble-shooting. Its just you and this problem full of evilness. And yes, this always happens when you finally have some quality time for music and the breakthrough hit just want’s to be done.

(mehr …) in linux – setting up stuff

So, there are some updates on my away-from-apple project.

I successfully managed to get all my plugins to Windows, since my purchases included not only AU files but also Windows VST versions. Lucky me! Unluckily, i ran into some problems with Ardour crashing in Windows. Nothing i came up with helped. Finally i called for help in the Ardour Community and within minutes i got a response that solved my problem. Thanks again, guys!
Unfortunately the 64bit version of Ardour doesn’t load 32bit VSTs. So i was pointed to jbridge. But i didn’t manage to port my 32s to 64s successfully by now. So here is some work to be done for me. (Update: Don’t know exactly what i did wrong the first time but my 32bit VSTs have now been successfully jbridged. (mehr …)